Checking in volunteers at your volunteer event is simple. Here's a step by step guide on how to manually check-in volunteers.
There are 3 ways volunteers can be checked in for events:
1. An admin manually checks in volunteers
2. Volunteers self check in through Check-in Station Kiosk - available with Pro
3. Volunteers self check in through Check-in Station QR code - available with Pro
Want to know the definitions of event registration statuses you can choose during volunteer checkin? Read more here
Manual Volunteer Check-In:
Step 1. Select the event you'd like to check in volunteers for in the "Volunteer Section" > "Manage Events" in the left hand menu.
Step 2. On the event you'd like to check in volunteers for click the "Volunteers" button.
Step 3. On this "Event Details" Page, under the "Volunteers List Tab" you'll see a list of volunteers.
Step 4. When a volunteer shows up, click the drop-down next to their name and change their status to "Checked In".
Want to add a volunteer to the event to the event at check in? See how you can do that here.
When volunteers are checked in for events, their volunteer hours are automatically calculated on their volunteer activity profile and in your Reports section.
You can edit these hours per volunteer by clicking the arrow under the "Actions" column. An "Edit Hours" button will appear when the section unfolds.
You can even check-in volunteer from our "Check-n Volunteers Page" once an event has passed. This makes it easier to find volunteers who haven't been checked into an event yet.
How to check-in volunteers from the "Check-in Volunteers" page (see video below):
Step 1. On your admin Home page, click on the "Check In" button next to the notification that says "Your event passed, make sure your volunteers were checked in". This will take you to the "Check-in Volunteers" page.
Step 2. Search for the event you need to check in volunteers for and then click on the "Volunteers" button located under "Actions". You will land on the "Volunteer check-in list" page for the event.
Step 3. Under the volunteer's "Status" select "Checked-in" or whichever status pertains to your volunteer to check them in.
How to check-in volunteers from the "Check-in Volunteers" page:
What do the event registration statuses mean?
Pending - This volunteer signup is incomplete and is waiting for the organization's admin to confirm their event registration. This is the default for events requiring background checks, applications, or approval upon registration. Admins should change the volunteer status to "Signed Up" - to approve and confirm the registration. When admins change a volunteer's registration status, the volunteer receives an email confirmation.
Signed Up: The volunteers have signed up for your event either by themselves or by an admin at your organization through the "Assign a spot" functionality.
Reserved: A spot has been held by an admin at your organization or a group that has committed to bringing volunteers. Reservations are not confirmed by the volunteer, once a volunteer has claimed a spot that has been reserved for them their status will change from "Reserved" to "Signed Up".
No Show: Need to mark a volunteer as "No Show"? Select "No Show" as the Status. This will count towards that volunteer's no show rating and your organization's no show rating on your Volunteer Stats page.
Canceled: If a volunteer cancels or if an admin from your organization cancels a volunteer registration manually, the cancelation status will appear. Cancelation statuses can be used for any reason for your organization, including an alternative to "No Show".
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