Checking in volunteers at your volunteer event is simple. Here's a step by step guide on how to manually check-in volunteers.
There are 3 ways volunteers can be checked in for events:- An admin manually checks in volunteers
- Volunteers self check in through Check-in Station Kiosk - available with Pro
- Volunteers self check in through Check-in Station QR code - available with Pro
- Check In and Hours Approval setting
How to manually check in volunteers (see video below):
- Select the event you'd like to check in volunteers for in the on the "Manage Events" page.
- On the event you'd like to check in volunteers for click the "Volunteers" button.
- On this "Event Details" Page, under the "Volunteers List Tab" you'll see a list of volunteers.
- When a volunteer shows up, click the drop-down next to their name and change their status to "Checked In".
How to manually check in volunteers:
Note: You can even check-in volunteer from our "Check-n Volunteers Page" once an event has passed. This makes it easier to find volunteers who haven't been checked into an event yet.
How volunteers self check in using a Kiosk (Pro) (see video below):
- An admin will need to create the Kiosk first.
- The volunteer should type their full name or email into the search bar on the check-in kiosk.
- The volunteer should select their name when it appears and then click the "Next" button.
- The volunteer will be taken to a screen asking if they are ready to check in for the event. They should click the "Yes, check me in" button at the bottom.
- A confirmation screen will appear, saying "You're checked in to volunteer," confirming their check-in status.
How volunteers self check in using a Kiosk (Pro):
How volunteers self check in using a QR code (Pro) (see video below):
- An admin will need to create the QR code first.
The volunteer should check to see if the event is using a digital or printed PDF version of the QR code.
Using the camera on their mobile device, the volunteer should scan the QR code.
If the volunteer has the POINT app, the QR code will automatically open the app for check-in. If not, the QR code will direct them to the web, where they can sign into POINT to check in for the event.
How volunteers self check in using a QR code (Pro) (with app):
How volunteers self check in using a QR code (Pro) (without app):
How to use Check In and Hours Approval setting for check in (see video below):
With hours approval turned on, whenever an opportunity has passed, all volunteers marked as "Signed Up" will automatically be checked in and given their hours.
In your dashboard, go to Settings and then select General.
Scroll down to Check In and Hours Approval.
From there, you can select whether you want auto check-in for events and auto approval for self-submitted hours.
How to use Check In and Hours Approval setting for check in:
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