How do you add multiple co-hosts?

If you have multiple hosts for your event, you can easily collaborate with other organizations using POINT.

Step 1: First, create an event. When you are in the event creation form, you will see a “Hosts” section. To add a co-host to the event, toggle “Yes” next to the question “Is this event cohosted?

Step 2: After that, click on the “Add Co-Host” button. 

Step 3: In the pop up, search for the name of the co-hosting organizations. When you find the correct organization, check the box next to the organization name. You can select more than one organization during this step. Then click the orange “Add” button. 

Step 4: Enter an email address of one of the admins at that organization to verify them as co-host. By "admin" we are referring to an organization's POINT account admin. If you do not know this email, please reach out to the person you are coordinating the event with to ask for it. This process cuts down on spam requests. 

Step 4: When your event is published, your co-host will get an invitation email prompting them to respond to the request. They will also get a notification on their POINT dashboard. An admin must accept or deny the co-host invitation.

Getting an error message?

Please make sure that the email address you have entered belongs to the admin of the organization's POINT account. If the email you have is for a member of their organization, but not an admin for their POINT account, you will need to ask for an admin’s email. 

Reminder: Co-host invites expire 1 hour before the event begins.


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