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  2. Volunteer Management

How do I add custom questions to an event?

You can include custom questions in the event registration process to gather details such as T-shirt sizes, meal preferences, or any other information from volunteers. 

We have simplified the process of adding questions by providing a selection of templates for you. Alternatively, you can create a custom question by selecting the "Custom" option and tailoring it to your needs.

Question options for gathering details from volunteers include Address, Birthdate, Dietary restrictions/allergies, Emergency Contact, Gender, Language Skills, Meal preference, Phone Number, T-shirt size, and Custom questions tailored to specific needs.

How do I add custom questions to an event (see video below)?

Step 1. Navigate to the event creation or editing process and proceed to the fourth "Volunteer Requirements" step.  

Step 2. Scroll to the bottom and find the "Volunteer Questions" option.

Step 3. Select the questions one by one from the dropdown menu.

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Step 4. Choose a question from the suggested templates or a Custom question.  Formulate your question and set the answer type: text field, simply select, multi-select. 
If you are one of the "select", be sure to specify the answer options. 

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How to add custom questions to an event:


Key features of the custom questions include:

- Three types of answer fields: text field, simple select, multi-select

- Ability for the admin to set the order of presentation of questions

- Option to mark questions as required or optional

If the event specifies a minimum age or has particular gender requirements, the administrator will include Birthdate or Gender questions accordingly. These questions will be marked as required based on the event's restrictions.

How will custom questions appear to volunteers?

The volunteer questions will be displayed when a volunteer signs up for an event.

Learn more about how a volunteer can sign up for an event with questions.

How admins can access and review the responses provided by volunteers?

Volunteer responses will be accessible on the "Shifts" tab, where the event sign-up list is located. The event details page will feature a special tab labeled "Responses." Here, you can view statistics on responses for T-shirt size, gender, age, and language skills. Additionally, it will display the individual responses of each volunteer to all the questions they have answered when signing up for the event.

Learn more about how the admin can review volunteer responses. 


Questions? Email us at  support@pointapp.org.