What access do network admins have to a (network member) nonprofit’s account?

Network admins can see varying levels of access to the data in their network depending on the access level they request from each nonprofit. Different access levels give different data access.

The network owner can log in as an administrator for the organization of a network participant. The level of access granted will dictate the available options for managing the organization.

Overview Access

Network admins can view overall aggregated statistics for individual organizations in your network. All user data and contact records are de-identified and hidden.

The network owner will only have the ability to view Volunteer Statistics and apply filters to analyze the data more effectively (see photo example).

Detailed View Access

Network admins can view overall statistics for individual organizations in your network, plus their groups, group statistics, and events. All user data and contact records are de-identified and hidden.

The network owner can access Volunteer Statistics and apply filters to analyze data by group. They will also be able to view detailed information about groups, including their respective events and notes. Furthermore, the network owner can manage events, including the ability to view specific event details. It is important to note that individual Volunteer information will remain inaccessible.

Limited Admin Access

Network administrators can view and edit statistics, groups, and events for individual organizations. All user data remains de-identified and confidential.

- Access to Volunteer Statistics enables admin to sort and analyze data by groups for improved insights.

- Admin can preview event details and make edits to event information.

- They also have access to group information, allowing them to view and update group details as needed.

Full Admin Access

Network admins have editing and viewing access to individual organizations' statistics, groups, and events. They can see user data, and add or de-affiliate user accounts.
- Access to Volunteer Statistics enables admin to sort and analyze data by groups for improved insights.
- Manage Events access allows the admin to view, edit, and create new events. They can also duplicate, cancel, or delete existing events. Additionally, the admin can view a list of volunteers who have signed up for each event, along with relevant event statistics.
- Full access to managing and creating organization contracts list. 
- Full access to manage and view groups. Create, edit, and add contacts to groups. 

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