What volunteer stats are available on POINT?

Are you interested in the activity statistics of volunteers of your organization?

To access the admin page, click “Report” on the left side of your dashboard and then select “Volunteer Stats”. This page shows statistics and reports on the overall impact your nonprofit has had in the community. It is an aggregate view of the data found in the activity page. You can filter by groups and program types to change the data shown, and export these reports into a PDF file.


Export pdf

In the upper right corner, click the "Export" button. The pdf file will download to your device.



Want to see statistics for a specific month, for specific group or program? Use these drop downs to filter your data.

  • Date Range: (Setting up the date filter is very easy: you can enter the date manually or choose from the calendar. Also can apply fits: one week, one month, one year or since join date).
  • Select Groups: (Choose from the drop-down groups that are in the organization - this means that information will be filtered only about the activity of events that are private for a certain group of users.)
  • Select Programs: (Choose from the drop-down  programs that are in the organization - this means that information will be filtered only about the activity of events that are included for a certain program.)



You can see statistics for the total number of volunteers, total number of hours volunteered, total number of events, and the overall economic impact.

Tip: Don't forget that these statistics will be pulled for the specific date range or group you chose in the filters above.

Tip: Go to "Settings" to change the dollar value of the average volunteer hour used to calculate Economic Impact.

  • Volunteers Volunteered ( number of people on your organization who volunteered for events on POINT who have approved hours)
  • Hours Volunteered ( Quantity of hours volunteered during specified period of time) 
  • Events Attended ( Quantity of past event attended during specified period of time) 
  • Economic Impact (Impact is calculated by the number of volunteer hours multiplied by the average value of a volunteer hour The Independent Sector sets this value as 29 95 If the value of your volunteer's labor hour is different, owners can change this in settings)


Event Activity

This chart will show the statistics for event attendance. The yellow section shows the number of volunteers who signed up for the event, while the orange shows how many people attended. Attendance is calculated when volunteers are checked in for an event.

Be sure to check in your volunteers regularly so that this data is accurate! (Active volunteers are people who signed up for events on POINT).


Top Volunteers

Top Volunteers include people that have the most numbers of volunteered hours. Include people in your organization had have the highest number of volunteered hours.


Volunteer Ages

You can find statistics here regarding the ages of the volunteers who attended events in during the selected date range.


Volunteer event activity

Percentage statistics of volunteer attendance at events. Event attendance included: Checked in,  No showed, Canceled, and Signed up volunteers for the event.


Cause Focus

Visualize the focus your organization devotes to various causes by volunteer opportunities your organization has posted or volunteer hours your volunteers have contributed to each cause at your organization.

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