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  2. People
  3. Volunteer Database (Contacts)

What is the volunteer database on POINT?

POINT’s volunteer management software enables you to have a database of volunteers that can be accessed by all of your organization admins. You can add or delete volunteers, and see their status with your organization.

Where to find your volunteer database
Your volunteer database lives on your account dashboard. Owners and admins can see and manage this list by going to the left side menu and clicking “People” then “Contacts”. Here you will see all of the volunteers associated with your organization, from people who have signed up to volunteer with you because they found you on POINT (often this will be the volunteers marked as “External”) to your regular volunteers who have joined your organization on POINT (marked as “Internal”).

On Contact list you can:
- Invite people to volunteer with you on POINT
- Confirm or decline a volunteer’s request to join your organization
- Delete volunteers from your organization (this does not delete their POINT account)
- Send emails to selected volunteers
- Export volunteer data in СSV file
- Search, filter, and sort volunteers
- With POINT Pro: Add hours for a specific volunteer

If you want to see more specific information about a volunteer, just click on their name to be taken to their Volunteer Profile.


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