How do you reserve volunteer spots for groups?

There's a few different ways to register groups to volunteer in POINT. Here's how:

Reserve Event or Shift Spots for Groups 

Admins can mass reserve spots for Groups of volunteers. Even if you don't know who will attend from that group, you can still generally reserve spots at the event or shift level for them. This allows you to keep registering volunteers outside that group for other spots if needed, without having to create a separate event for the volunteer group. 

Step 1: Create a group (Here's how to do that). Once you've created a group, even if the group doesn't have any contacts in it, you can now start to reserve spots. 

Step 2: Click the "Volunteer" tab in the left menu and select "Manage events" in the submenu.

Step 3: Find the event you want to reserve spots for and hit the "Volunteers" button. 

Step 4.  Hit the orange “Actions” button in the upper right hand corner, then “Reserve Spots” and select the group you want under "Reserve for Groups”.

Step 5. You can reserve all or a few of the spots available for that event or shift. 


Here's a video of that process: 


Once you have reserved the spots for that group the group reservation will be shown on the Event volunteers list. If the Group you reserved spots for had members in it, POINT will ask those members to claim the spots reserved. 

As members of that group show up to volunteer, you can assign the reserved spots to those contacts. You can either create managed contacts to assign or invite those users to create POINT accounts and then assign them. 


Create Private Events for Groups

If you'd like to create a private event, only available to a group of users in your volunteer pool you can create a Private Event for them. Private event signups are only accessible to members of a group, but the members must be assigned to a group. 

Create Secret Events for Groups

Secret events are not searchable on POINT and signup access is only accessible if the Secret Event link is shared. If you create a secret event, you do not have to create a group for that event signup. For example: If a corporate admin asks for a separate signup for their employees, secret links are helpful. But note: If the link is shared beyond the intended audience, other people would have access to sign up. 



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