How to require an application before event registration?

A volunteer's ability to sign up for an event is contingent upon their application status with the organization. Only those volunteers who approve applications will be eligible to register for events.

How can a volunteer complete an application when signing up for an event?

1. Go to the event details, and in the sign-up block, you will see a notification "You must complete the General Application to sign up for this event."

2. Click the "Apply" button to initiate the application process.

3. You will then be taken to the application page, where you must review the provided information, respond to the questions, and accept the waiver, if applicable.

4. Once your application has been successfully approved by the organization, you will be eligible to sign up for the event.

How can volunteers complete the application with manual approval signing up for an event (See video):

Pending Application

If your application is still under review by the organization, you can view the status of your application on the organization's details. But you need to wait until your application is approved to be able to volunteer at the event.

How can volunteers complete the application with auto-approval when signing up for an event (See video):

In this case, the application will be filled out automatically and the user will be able to sign up for the event immediately.