Upon the deletion of an account from the system, all associated user information will be permanently removed. Please be aware that this action is irreversible, and recovery of the data is not possible.
Learn how to delete your account from the system here
List of general information to be deleted:
- Personal and contact information specified in the user's account
- Volunteer hours
- History of volunteer activity
Once your account is deleted, your email and password cannot be recovered, and you will need to register a new account to use the system again.
Once your account is deleted, all information associated with it is permanently lost. This includes not only your data but also any records of your interactions within the system. It is crucial to understand that there are no backup copies or archives that can restore this information. Therefore, if you choose to delete your account, please consider this decision carefully.
Once the deletion process is complete, there will be no way to recover any of your data, and you will need to create a new account if you wish to rejoin the system in the future.
Questions? Please email us at support@pointapp.org.