How to delete my data from the system?

When you delete your volunteer account from the system, your data will be deleted permanently.

How to delete my volunteer account from the system?

You have the option to delete your volunteer account on the Edit Profile page within the POINT platform. 
Learn how to delete a volunteer account here

Which data will be deleted? 

Please note that once you delete your account, all of your information will be permanently removed from the system.

Warning: deleted profiles cannot be recovered.


The following data will be permanently deleted:

- your POINT account;

- all your profile information;

- volunteer activity history;

- event signup history;

- approved volunteer hours;

- if you have been joined to some organizations, this connection will be lost when you delete your account.

Questions? Please email us at

Please feel free to reach out to our support team with any feedback to help improve the system for our volunteers