How do you create, edit and delete programs?

Our programs feature makes it easy for you to group your volunteers and events together. See how you can create, edit, and delete programs below.

Create a Program (see video below): 

Step 1. Go to your left side menu and click “Organization” then “Programs”. 
Step 2. Click the orange “+ Create Program” button.
Step 3. We ask you to give a name and description of the program. You can choose a color or upload a photo for the program as well. 

*Note: For Core Legacy, this is all you can add to programs. With POINT Pro, you can also add documents to programs. This could be used for training materials, checklists, guidelines, etc. 

Step 4.  If you are creating a subprogram you will need to select a parent program. The parent program must be created first. However, you can always turn a program into a subprogram after it is created by clicking on it to see the Program Details page, clicking the pencil button to edit, and adding a parent program. 

Step 5. The last step is just to click "Create Program". Congratulations, the program has been successfully created, now volunteers of your organization will be able to view the details of the program. 


You can go view the program you’ve created in the Program Details page. This will display program-specific data and any subprograms.



create-programs (1)

How to Edit: 

Step 1. Go to your left side menu and click “Organization” then “Programs”. 

Step 2. Find the program you want to edit and click it to be taken to the Program Details page. 

Step 3. On the Program Details page, click on the pencil icon. You can edit the program and save the changes by clicking the "Update Program" button. You can update the name, description, and color, or even change it to a subprogram by selecting a parent program. 

How to Delete: 

Step 1. Go to your left side menu and click “Organization” then “Programs”. 

Step 2. Find the program you want to edit and click it to be taken to the Program Details page. 

Step 3. On the Program Details page, click on the trash can icon. You will need to confirm your actions by clicking "Delete program".

*Note: A program cannot be deleted if there are volunteers with confirmed hours for events included in that program or its subprograms. 




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