How does a volunteer update their profile?

Need to update your the information in your volunteer profile? See the steps below!

How does a volunteer update their profile on the web (see video below):

  1. Log in to POINT
  2. In the volunteer dashboard, click on the "down arrow" next to your name at the top of the menu in the top left hand side corner
  3. In the drop down menu, click on "manage account". This will take you to where you can access your profile
  4. Scroll down and then click on "edit profile". You'll be able to make edits to your information from this page
  5. Double check to make sure all the required fields are filled out and then hit the orange button that says "update" at the bottom of the page

How does a volunteer update their profile on the web:

How does a volunteer update their profile on the mobile app (see video below):

  1. In the mobile app, click on the "account" tab.
  2. At the top of the page, click on your name and "My Profile" where it will take you to view your profile information.
  3. On your profile page, click the "pencil icon" on the top right hand corner.
  4. The fields you can fill out for your profile will appear where you can make updates to your info.
  5. Don't forget to hit"Save" at the bottom!

How does a volunteer update their profile on the mobile app:

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