Add your DonorPerfect "Donate" button to your organization's POINT page.
How does the DonorPerfect + POINT integration work?
Our integration allows you to link a "Donate" button on your organization's POINT profile to one of your Online Giving forms in DonorPerfect. This allows you to convert your volunteers into donors and keep all of your fundraising efforts still within DonorPerfect.
About DonorPerfect
DonorPerfect is a fundraising CRM with built in donation tools to save time and reduce errors with a single payment account designed for all the ways your nonprofit fundraises. The moment a gift is received, DonorPerfect Payment Services goes to work, automatically recording gift and donor data into your system for you.
- Automatic email donation acknowledgments
- Secure encryption and tokenization
- PCI-compliant vault for safe, offsite data storage
- Learn more
How do I set up the DonorPerfect integration?
If you already have an account with DonorPerfect, follow the steps below to set up the integration.
If not, sign up for a DonorPerfect account here! Then return to POINT to set up the integration.
- Sign into the POINT Admin Dashboard and click “Integrations” in the left menu.
- Find the DonorPerfect Integration option and select “View”
- Toggle "Yes" next to the question "Enable Integration with DonorPerfect?"
- Once you do that this view will show:
- Now, Go to DonorPerfect
- Find or create an Online Giving Form. See examples here.
- Go to "Sharing" and copy the URL
- Find or create an Online Giving Form. See examples here.
- Return to POINT (the same page where we just left off) and paste the link in the field and save.
If you forgot how to get to the DonorPerfect Integration Settings page go to: Organization > Integrations > DonorPerfect Integration.
After that, a "Donate" button will appear on your organization's POINT page.
How can a volunteer make a donation to your organization?
1. Click the "Donate" button on POINT Organization page
2. Click the "Take me to DonorPerfect" button on the following popup.
3. The volunteer will be redirected to DonorPerfect Payment Services where they can donate.
View an example of the "spruced up" version of the DonorPerfectOnline Giving form