Archiving Contacts

The archived contacts list is a list of contacts that you don't expect to work with in the future, but want to keep a record of.

Archived contacts list

An admin can archive any contact. 

All archived contacts are displayed in the "Archived" tab on the Contacts page. 

Archived Contacts@2x (3)

What does it mean when a contact has been archived?

1. An archived contact does not show up anywhere by default when searching for a contact. 
For example:

  • assigning or reserving a spot for an event.
  • send a message to a contact
  • adding hours (This is a Pro feature)
  • adding to groups or programs (This is a Pro feature

2. An archived contact record will still be visible in all previous records and historical references.

3. The functionality that is available for a regular contact will not be available for an archived contact.

4. Archived contacts can be: Unarchived and Deleted

Contact Profile (Archived)@2x (4)

How can you archive a contact? 

  1. An Admin can archive contacts from the contact list.
  • Use the left side menu to find “People” then “Contacts” 
  • Click the "..." next to their contact's name and choose "Archive". 

Result:  You have successfully archived contact. The contact has been moved to the Archived tab on the Contacts page.


2. An Admin can archive contact from the contact's profile. 
  • Go to the contact profile
  • Hit “Actions” in the upper right hand corner, and select "Archive"

Result:  The contact now has the "Archived" status. The contact has been moved to the "Archived" tab on the Contacts page.

When you merge two contact records, the "Contact to merge" will be archived.

Learn more about merging 2 contacts.


How can you unarchive a contact? 

You can unarchive from the contact list and on the contact's profile. 

1. Use the left side menu to find “People” then “Contacts”  and select the "Archived" tab

2. Click the "..." next to the contact's name and choose "Unarchive". 

3. Or go to  archived contact profile > hit “Actions” in the upper right hand corner, and select "Unarchive"

The volunteer will not be informed via email when their contact record is archived or unarchived. 


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