How do you create a new contact?

The process for creating new contacts in POINT has been enhanced.

Do you know how I can create a new contact? 

1. Use the left side menu to find “People” then “Contacts”

2.  Hit “Add New Contact” in the upper right hand corner

3.  You must fill out their first name, and last name. Other information is optional to add. Once you’re done, click the "Add Contact" button. The Contact record has been created and you will be taken to their contact profile. 

Experienced Point users can draw an equivalent between creating a contact and creating a managed volunteer.

Contacts - Per Contact Action Options@2x (4)

How to add a new contact (see video) 


Adding a Contact to an Event

An admin can assign anyone as a contact for an event. Accordingly, in the assignment process,  a new contact can be created.

1. From the event check-in page, click Actions > Assign Spot.

2. If during the Assign Spots process you enter an email address that is not in your contact list, you can create a new contact and assign it to the event at the same time.

3. You must fill out their first name, last name, and click "Create Contact" 

4. This will fill a spot on the event and add that contact's name to the event check-in.


Note: As this profile only exists in your organization's POINT account, the potential volunteer with the same email will not receive push notifications or event reminders. This action will fill a spot on the event and add stats to your Event Stats page.

Why do I need birthday and gender?

Adding the birthday and gender to a manually added volunteer will keep your stats and overall volunteer demographics accurate. If you don't know the volunteer's birthday, entering your best guess will help with those stats.

You have the ability to add other volunteer data if you'd like to store it in your system, like volunteer email and address.


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