How do you add contacts to groups? CSV, Multi-add or One by one

Here’s how you can add contacts to groups: you can upload a CSV file, use the multi-add feature, or add them one by one. Pick the method that works best for you!


How to add contact to groups using a CSV (see video below):

Admins can import contacts to the organization using CSV files. The CSV should be organized in columns such as firstName, lastName, email, and a group attribute like “Group Name”. The last column is how you can sort volunteers into groups.

Before importing contacts, make sure you've created the groups in the POINT dashboard. In your CSV file, include the exact group name in the group column to link each contact to the right group.

Download the CSV template here

Once your CSV file is formatted correctly, just click the "Create Contacts" button and select the "Import a CSV" option on the Contacts page.

How to add contact to groups using a CSV:

How do you add contacts to groups using multi- add (see video below):

  1. Under "People" go to "Contacts".
  2. Click on "Create Contacts" and then "Quick Add Multi Contacts".
  3. You'll need to add first and last name and email address for the contact record.
  4. Under "Associate contacts with Groups" select the group or groups you want the contact records to drop into.
  5. You can then decide whether you want to invite the contacts or just create the records.
  6. Don't forget to click "Create Contacts" at the bottom

How do you add contacts to groups using multi- add:

How do you add contacts to groups one by one (see video below):

  1. Under "People" click on "Groups".
  2. Choose the group you wish to add volunteers to, then navigate to the "Contacts" tab within that group.
  3. Under "Actions" click on "+Add Contact to Group" .
  4. You can either search for the contact's name or choose from the list below.
  5. Don't forget to click on "Add Contact".

How do you add contacts to groups one by one:


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