What are the different application statuses? (Pro)

Application statuses help you track and manage volunteer applications. Here’s a quick overview of what each status means.

Here's a list of the different application statuses:

  • Approved: This application has been approved, either automatically or by an admin.
  • Declined: An admin has declined this candidate.
  • Incomplete: The volunteer hasn’t filled out this application. This could be because they volunteered before the application was created, or because they were added manually by an admin.
  • Pending: The candidate’s application is waiting for admin review. 
  • Expired: The application has an update cadence and the candidate must update their application to sign up for new volunteer opportunities.
  • Waived: The volunteer hasn’t completed this application, but an admin has decided to waive it. Waived applications are treated as if they are “Approved”.


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