How do you set a volunteer registration deadline?

Want to restrict volunteers from registering for a volunteer opportunity before a specific date? Here's how you can set a volunteer registration deadline:

Step 1: Select "Volunteers" and then "Manage Events" in the left hand side menu. 

Step 2: Choose the event you'd like to edit or create a new event. 

Step 3: Under the "When" section of your Event Creation or Edit Event page, there is a box that says "Registration and Cancellation Policy".  Shown below:

Step 4: Toggle the button to open advanced settings like "Deadline to Register" and "Provide Cancelation Notice by". 

Step 5:
In the "Deadline to Register" field, select the number of days before the event starts to select the deadline for volunteers to cancel their  registration for the event. 

*Note: If you leave the "Registration and Cancellation Policy" box untoggled, volunteers will be able to sign up for your event up until the event is over. Volunteers will also be able to cancel their registration for the event up until the event is over. 

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