How do you duplicate or copy an event?

It's simple to copy a volunteer event an admin has previously created to create a new event. Copying events saves admin time, though keep in mind admins can also create templates as well.

Duplicating an event from the event list view (see video below): 

Step 1. Navigate to the event list from the left-hand side menu by selecting "Volunteer" > "Manage Events" and then "List view" in the upper right-hand toggle. (Located left of the "Create Event" button). 

Step 2. On the event you'd like to duplicate click the "Eye button" to view the event, from the list view. 

Step 3. Select the "Actions" button on the right upper-hand corner. 

Step 4. Now select, "Duplicate" in the drop-down menu. 

This will give you a create event template that has the same information as the event you just duplicated. You can change or modify it to your liking, and then publish it. 

How to duplicate an event from the event list view:

Duplicating an event from the event calendar view (see video below): 

Step 1. Navigate to the event list from the left-hand side menu by selecting "Volunteer" > "Manage Events" and then "Calendar View" view in the upper right-hand toggle. (Located left of the "Create Event" button). 

Step 2. Click on the event you'd like to duplicate click, and as a short cut select the button with the 3 dots (...).

Step 3. Then select, "Duplicate" in the drop-down menu. 

This will give you a create event template that has the same information as the event you just duplicated. You can change or modify it to your liking, and then publish it. 

How to duplicate an event from the event calendar view: 


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